- About CJU
- History
- 2001 ~ Present
2001 ~ Present
The Most Prestigious University
in the Central Region of Korea!
We would like to talk about the bright
future vision with our students.
The Chungsuk Academic Foundation (formerly Daeseong Academic Foundation) is the parent foundation of our university.
The Cheongseok Academic Foundation’s beginning can be traced to 1924, when Daeseong Primary School was founded with the mindset of saving the country, which was under Japanese rule, through education. Today, it has become a landmark of education, made up of seven schools ranging from elementary schools to universities.
The Cheongseok Academic Foundation has raised 140,000 talented individuals to this day, and is currently aiding 20,000 students in their pursuit of knowledge in its capacity as a national private school of tradition.
2001 ~ present
- 2022. 09.
Approved to establish the Eumseong Campus
- 2022. 06.
Signed an MOU with San Francisco State University for employment & business startups
- 2022. 05.
Awarded with the 3 Major Global Design Awards for 15 consecutive years
- 2021. 10.
Established the Seokwoo Rehabilitation Service Center
- 2021. 07.
Established the Chungbuk International Development Cooperation Center (IDCC)
- 2021. 06.
Established the Korea Institute for Local Educational Finance
- 2020. 05.
Selected as “LINC+ Fourth Industrial Revolution Innovation Leading University” by the Ministry of Education
- 2019. 12.
Selected as “Intellectual Property Education Leading University” by the Korean Intellectual Property Office
- 2019. 11.
Newly selected as Industrial-Academic Convergence Site Structure Project (Chungbuk Eumseong Consortium)
- 2019. 01.
Selected as Education Internationalization Competency Certification College by the Ministry of Education
- 2019. 01.
Opend a next gen information system
- 2018. 12.
Completed the Main Gate Construction
- 2018. 02.
The university’s soccer team achieved its first win in 45 years since its foundation.
- 2017. 02. 17
Held the Graduation Ceremony for Fall Semester in 2016
- 2017. 02. 17
Received Accreditation of International Education Quality Assurance System (IEQAS)
- 2017. 02. 17
7 Colleges, 62 Departments, and 2 Divisions Admission Quota 2,706 4 Graduate Schools, 42 Courses of Master’s Degree, 19 Courses of Doctor’s Degree
- 2016. 11. 29
Completed the Extension Construction of Central Library
- 2016. 09. 07
- Appointed Kim Jo-han as the 9th Chairman to Cheongseok Academic Foundation (2016.09.07.~2020.09.06)
- Appointed Jeong Seong-bong as the 12th President (2016.09.07.~2020.09.06)
- 2016. 05
- Selected for Professional Education Institute of Radiation Counselor supervised by Korea Nuclear Energy Agency
- Ranked 1st in Research Competitiveness from the Private Colleges in Chungcheong Region by Science Journal ‘Nature’
- 7 Colleges, 2 Academic Divisions, 62 Departments, 4 Graduate Schools (59 Courses of Master’s Degrees and 19 Courses of Doctor’s Degrees)
- 2016. 04. 28
Adjusted the Quota of the University for 2017
College of Arts, Department of Music, and Department of Physical Education College of Education, Department of Music Education, and Department of Physical Education - 2016. 04. 21
World Ranking 12 in the Design Ranked 12th in the 2016 University Ranking by the Germany’s iF (Industry Forum), a World-renowned Top Design Certification Organization
- 2016. 04. 05
- Signed the Academic Exchange Agreement with Chungbuk Cultural Foundation
- Selected for the 2016 Green Campus
- 2016. 03. 01
7 Colleges, 62 Departments, 2 Divisions Admission Quotas 2,772 4 Graduate Schools, 42 Courses of Master’s Degrees, 19 Courses of Doctor’s Degrees
- 2016. 02. 19
Held the Graduation Ceremony for Fall Semester in 2015
- 2016. 02. 18
- Went through a Reorganization and Improved the Vice President System: Vice President for Administration and Vice President of Industry & Academy
- Founded the Cheongseok ALETHEIA College: Under Office of Academic Affairs, Innovation Headquarters of Education and Headquarters of Liberal Art Education directed by the President (founded)
- Office of Teaching and Learning Development was changed to Teaching and Learning Development Division (name change), and was transferred to under the Innovation Headquarters of Education
- Administration Division for Educational Quality under Innovation Headquarters of Education (founded)
- College of Culture was transferred to under the Headquarters of Liberal Art Education (was transferred to a different headquarters)
- Foreign Language Education Division under Headquarters of Liberal Art Education by integrating Language Education Center and Foreign Language Education Center (founded)
- Personality Education Division and Division of Basic Education Clinic under Headquarters of Liberal Art Education (founded)
- Industry & Academy, Employment and Startup Headquarters (founded): Industry & Academy/Employment/Startup Supporting Duties under the Vice President of Industry & Academy
Industry & Academy Cooperation Foundation, Human Resource Development Center, Student Startup Support Division (founded)
- Future Strategy Division under Office of Planning and Coordination (founded)
- Innovation Center for Engineering Education of College of Science & Engineering (closed)
- Cheongseok Education & History Hall under Museum (founded)
- 2015. 09. 26
Appointed Dr. Kim Byung Kee as the 11th President
- 2015. 02. 23
Signed the Academic Exchange Agreement with Department of Contract (Army 13-SFBDE=Special Forces Brigade, Airborne.)
- 2014. 12. 25
Appointed Dr. Hwang Shin Mo as the 6th President
- 2014. 07. 01
Selected for the Specialized Project for the Regional University
- 2013. 12. 27
- Appointed Dr. Yoon Bae Kim as the 9th President
- Obtained a 5-year Certification during the University Evaluation
- 2011. 12. 02
Passing of Kim Jun Cheol, the Honorary President and the Head of Cheongseok Academic Foundation
- 2011. 11. 25
Signed the Academic Exchange Agreement with Army Cadet Military School
- 2011. 08. 09
Founded the Department of Physical Therapy and Obtained the Authorization to Increase 5 Admission Quotas for the Department of Nursing (total number of Department of Nursing: 100)
- 2011. 03. 14
Received Recognition as the Local Culture and Arts Education Support Center (Lifelong Education Center) by Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism
- 2010. 11. 16
Selected as a Supervising Institution for the 「Foundational Future Human Resources Competency Development Project (Foundational Human Resources Development Project for the Photovoltaic Convergence Industry)」 of the Ministry of Knowledge Economy
- 2010. 10. 22
Signed the MOU for Foundational Human Resources Development Project for the Photovoltaic Convergence Industry
- 2010. 08. 06
Signed the Academic Exchange Agreement with Kazan Federal University
- 2010. 07. 01
Signed the Academic Exchange Agreement with Purdue University, Indiana, the U.S.
- 2010. 06. 25
Completed the Construction of the College of Commerce Building and the Faculty Building
- 2010. 06. 15
Signed the Academic Exchange Agreement with Russian State Social University, Russia
- 2010. 05. 17
Signed the Academic Exchange Agreement with Kentucky State University
- 2010. 04. 14
Signed the Academic Exchange Agreement with Ohlone College
- 2010. 04. 06
Selected as the Excellent Institution for the Center for Korean Language & Culture in Cheongju University by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism
- 2010. 03. 09
Signed the Agreement on Development of Military Cooperation with Republic of Korea Army (Founded the Division of Military Studies, Admission Quotas: 40)
- 2010. 03. 05
Signed the Academic Exchange Agreement with Aichi Prefectural University
- 2010. 02. 04
- Signed the Academic Exchange Agreement with Prince of Songkla University
- Signed the Academic Exchange Agreement with University of Oran, Algeria
- 2009. 12. 27
Appointed Dr. Yoon Bae Kim as the 8th President
- 2009. 11. 26
Built the Future Creative Hall
- 2009. 09. 30
Signed the Academic Exchange Agreement with De La Salle Araneta University/div>
- 2009. 08. 25
Founded the Department of Healthcare Management- 2009. 07. 31
- Obtained the Authorization for the Department of Radiology Obtained the Authorization to Increase the Admission Quotas for Department of Nursing
- Signed the Academic Exchange Agreement with Guangxi Normal University, China
- 2009. 06. 28
Signed the Academic Exchange Agreement with Qingdao Qiushi Vocational and Technical College- 2009. 04. 21
Selected for the 「Educational Capacity Enhancement Project of Universities」 by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology- 2009. 02. 09
Completed the Remodeling Construction of Reserve Officers Training Corps (ROTC) Building2008
- 2008. 12. 29
Completed the Construction of International Village
- 2008. 12. 18
Received the Recognition as the Quality Management Top Institution for ISO 9001 Education Sector
- 2008. 12. 05
Completed the Remodeling Construction of Graduate Schools and College of Law
- 2008. 08. 13
Obtained the Authorization for the College of Health Sciences (Department of Nursing and Department of Dental Hygiene)
- 2008. 06. 03
Signed the MOU with Cheongju District Court
- 2008. 05. 27
Selected for the 「Korean Language Institute and Commissioned Educational Institute for Korean Government Scholarship for International Students Enrolled in Graduate Programs」 by the National Institute for International Education Development
- 2008. 04. 17
Signed the Academic Exchange Agreement with Yanshan University
- 2008. 03. 05
Completed the Construction of Arts and Crafts Hall
- 2007. 12. 28
Completed the Remodeling Construction of the College of Humanities Building
- 2007. 12. 21
Completed the Construction of the New College of Arts Building
- 2006. 12. 29
Signed the Academic Exchange Agreement with Pushkin State Russian Language Institute, Russia
- 2006. 11. 13
Completed the Construction of the College of Social Sciences Building and the College of Education Building
- 2006. 10. 25
Signed the Exchange Agreement with Korea National Defense University
- 2006. 09. 28
Signed the Academic Exchange Agreement with Chaoyang University of Technology, Taiwan
- 2006. 06. 07
Received Recognition as a 「Chungbuk e-Learning Support Center」
- 2005. 12. 27
Appointed Dr. Yoon Bae Kim as the 7th President
- 2005. 12. 01
Received the Recognition as the Quality Management Excellent Institution for ISO 9001 Education Sector
- 2005. 11. 04
Completed the Construction of the College of Social Sciences Building & the College of Education Building and Re-opened Cheongseok Memorial Hall (a museum honoring the founders of the university) & Museum
- 2005. 10. 01
Re-obtained ISO 9001 Certification
- 2005. 09. 25
Re-signed the Agreement with Republic of Korea Air Force Academy
- 2005. 09. 05
Signed the Agreement with Republic of Korea Army on University and Army Partnership
- 2005. 08. 18
Signed the Academic Exchange Agreement with University of Benin, Nigeria
- 2005. 06. 18
Signed the Academic Exchange Agreement with Ottawa University, the United States
- 2005. 06. 09
Signed the Academic Exchange Agreement with Saint Martin’s University, the United States
- 2005. 04. 08
Signed the Academic Exchange Agreement with Mudanjiang Teachers College, China
- 2005. 03. 22
Signed the Academic Exchange Agreement with Beijing Language and Culture University, China
- 2005. 03. 15
Signed the Academic Exchange Agreement with Royal University of Phnom Penh, Cambodia
- 2005. 03. 08
Completed the Remodeling Construction of the Museum
- 2005. 01. 17
Signed the Academic Exchange Agreement with Minghsin University of Science and Technology, Taiwan
- 2004. 12. 22
Completed the Remodeling Construction of Lecture Hall 3
- 2004. 12. 04
Signed the Academic Exchange Agreement with 6 Universities and Private Educational Institutes including Okayama University of Science, Japan, Chiba Institute of Science and Kibi International University
- 2004. 10.14
Signed the Academic Exchange Agreement with University of the Philippines Manila, Philippine Women's University, Lyceum-Northwestern University, Thai Nguyen University, Vietnam and Hasanuddin University, Indonesia
- 2004. 04. 29
Opened Uam Village (dormitory)
- 2004. 03. 21
Signed the Academic Exchange Agreement with Shandong University, Weihai, China
- 2003. 10. 30
Signed the Academic Exchange Agreement with Liaocheng University, China
- 2003. 09. 04
Completed the Construction of the New Millennium Information Hall
- 2003. 08. 14
Signed the Academic Exchange Agreement with Ocean University of China, China
- 2002. 10. 02
Obtained ISO 9001 Certification
- 2002. 07. 26
Signed the Academic Exchange Agreement with Moscow Aviation Institute, Russia
- 2002. 07. 18
Signed the Academic Exchange Agreement with University of Angers, France
- 2002. 05. 13
Signed the Academic Exchange Agreement with University of Bridgeport, the United
- 2002. 04. 25
Signed the Academic Exchange Agreement with Saint Mary’s University, Canada
- 2002. 04. 11
Signed the Academic Exchange Agreement with Monash University, Australia
- 2002. 03. 19
Signed the Academic Exchange Agreement with University of Regina, Canada
- 2002. 03. 14
Signed the Academic Exchange Agreement with University of Otago, New Zealand
- 2001. 12. 27
Appointed Dr. Yoon Bae Kim as the 6th President
- 2001. 07. 09
Signed the Sister School Agreement with College of Humanities of Cheongju University and Faculty of Education of Kagawa University
- 2001. 02. 09
Completed the Construction of the Daecheon Training Center
- 2009. 08. 25